CV assignment

The first assignment we were given to begin the module (Employability and Bioenterprise) was to create our own CV and cover letter.

I did already have a CV so it was simple to use as a foundation to build on and tailor towards the job I had chosen. We had to find our ideal job on an online job forum and I didn’t have to look far before I saw an advertisement for a veterinary care assistant position; a job I’ve had in my mind’s eye for a while now and one I am considering in persuing after I graduate. It was quite easy to tailor my CV to fit this job as I have relevant work experience and skills needed for the job as well as good qualifications so I wasn’t lost in what to include, in fact I struggles more in keeping it at 2 pages!

With regards to the cover letter, I found this a bit more difficult so asked friends for advice and looked online and used our module slides for extra information and good examples and was able to write what I considered to be a competent, professional cover letter! I was pleased with what I had done and when receiving an A grade for it, I was pleased my extra research and work paid off and it made me feel positive for future applications!

I found this exercise particularly useful as it gave you the opportunity to look more in depth at the jobs that are out there for Biology graduates at the moment and what they are looking for in an employer. It gave me the time to improve and enhance my CV as well as give me experience in writing a good cover letter which will no doubt be of use and will probably be a template for job applications in the future!

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